Tuesday, June 17, 2008

MLM psycho

Don’t you just hate when ppl in MLM who just love to psycho you…each time you talk to them.
They preach things like you shld change your mindset etc..but in such an annoying way that its such a turn-off..
Then they start talking bout their over-priced products that are supposed to have powers that no other product have, or the fact that their product is pure and safe compared to other products..bla bla bla..
And if you refuse to buy their product or hear their preach..then you’ll get that look like you are a doomed loser ??

Its just so obvious how desperate they are to convert you or to close a sale with you that they are willing to resort to making you feel guilty of not agreeing to purchase or joining them.

I wish there is a city in this world where we can just dump all MLMers into 1 place and let them psycho each other til they go crazy..and leave us to continue to live in peace and properly priced products which we can just go buy from the supermarket or online.

Best of all..I wish there are no more MLM in this world, cutting out all the over inflated prices coz companies have to pay layer and layers of agents & their uplines..thus us consumers are the poor victim.

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