Saturday, December 31, 2011

The last day of 2011

Finally it's here. The last day of year 2011.

As usual, its time to do a review of how the year have been and to be grateful for all the achievements, luck, friends, wealth, happiness we all gain the past 365 days.

There are so many things to be grateful of this year.

1) The grass is actually greener on your side than the other side.
It's amazing when you think that "the grass is greener on the other side", you get shot in the face with reality, making you feel so grateful for your life now.

I have an old school friend who live in US.  All the years when I was in my hated job, I always envy seeing her in her Facebook showing her life abroad. 

Until in May 2010, I got to go for 1 month holiday to US [the perks of being free from corporate life whilst running your online business ;)]. I met up with her in New York.  That's when I found out that she is only working in a small souvenir shop.  Everyday commuting to work in the crowded subway for 30mins. Further more, she's overstaying her visitor visa.. just like so many other people in US.  not valid to stay there anymore.  Her husband working in family business that her mother was proudly announcing to my mum about.. non-existent.
Her brother who was working in mum just informed that he got laid off and is now back in Malaysia, and planning to learn how to do online business for me.

 Oh wow..then it hit me..there's no need to envy..there's nothing great of her life.

And then again last night I heard another news.  Another person's brother who is living in New York have also lost their job, and have their work permit revoked.  So now living there on extended holiday visa and just surviving on freelance part time work.

So, what is there to envy?
 I get to enjoy life here in Malaysia and continue to accumulate wealth and have lots more freedom than I used to.
I can wake up at 9am or 10am each day and decide my own work schedule.  No longer need to wake up at 6.30am, getting stuck in jam for 1 hour, and paying exorbitant amount of toll and parking, just to go to a job I hated.
Building my own business, is definitely the right choice to do. No longer have to deal with bureacracy, office politics, favouritism, sexism, fake performance review,etc.

It doesn't matter whether the business is glamourous or making multi-million dollars..the journey up there is the exciting part.
And the best thing...You are the BOSS!
You decide which customer you want to take on, which project you want to take on, who you want to work with, etc. 
It's definitely time to start your own business. And if freedom is your no 1 priority, online business is definitely the way to go.

I am ...Definitely loving my life right now. yay!!!

2) Business growth
Yes I know my laptop got stolen and I have to extract all the records from email and re-do my financial records again for year 2011. 
But as at last check in Mid December, my Holiday Rentals business have more than Doubled this year. That's more than 100% growth !! woo hoo...yay yay yay!!!

With this achievement, I will be working on a new project soon, to help other holiday rentals operators to increase their income as well.
As this new project take off..hopefully it will free me from having to clean condos when guest check out [it's good forced exercise maybe I will still do it once a while]

And as I do that, hopefully I will get to educate the market that renting out your holiday home / apartment IS NOT Homestay.  Homestay is when the guest stay in your house together with you, and experience the lifestyle of your culture.  Malaysians really need to be re-educated on when to use this homestay term correctly.

This year I also made the brave decision to leave my 2-year partnership biz - Netbrads Associates.  We had achieved great things whilst being in operations on part time basis.  We received coverage by TV3 Kids News for our Edu-Play Day event in year 2010, launched an ebook + audio pack and learnt how to sell it on Clickbank, conducted several profitable and fun Edu-Play Days which hopefully had left an impact with the children who attended.
The partners are kind individuals and have great potential to earn millions..if only the business is each person's main rice bowl.  Otherwise it can not grow to its maximum potential.

One thing I learnt about doing business..When we stop doing a business, it doesn't mean we have failed. It just means that we know the potential of growth has hit a wall, or we just want a creative change, or a new challenge.  It is never a failure, just a learning opportunity.  And the best thing with online business...the cost or funds you tend to lose is very minimal compared to a real-life brick and mortar business.

Since I specialise in starting up business at low-cost or even free, this is what I want to try and educate to all budding entrepreneurs out there.  Online business allow you to setup and run your business for free or at very minimal cost.  It's just up to you to believe it and try it.  It's just up to you how much you want to spend on. 

The internet is full of free quality things.  I hate hearing people say "There's no such thing as free lunch".  Maybe they have not gotten any free stuff or free lunch in their life..SAD!!!
I love free stuff, and I thank God that I get to enjoy free things everyday of my life, both online and offline.  Yes at times you have to put in some effort to get the free stuff, but what the heck, if that time you have to put in, you would instead be sitting at home watching tv, might as well put in the effort to get the free thing.

3) Life as entrepreneur is full of opportunities
If you are still working, and scared to quit your job because you are afraid you'll have no's time to change your mindset.

As an employee, business people are always trying to squeeze money out of you.  Coz they know you are on a salary, meaning there's money coming in to the bank every month.

As an entrepreneur, business people see you as someone who can help them make more money, be it by them helping to promote your product, or by you helping to promote their product.  In other words, its a win-win situation.

And that's how life has been for me ever since leaving my full time job in April 2010.  Opportunities have come knocking on the door so often, that I have to actually select which one to take on, and which one will help to grow my own brand.  At times I wish I have more than 24 hours, and can split myself to different places at same time..Coz there are just so many exciting things to do each day.

Now I have grown to be more selective, knowing I have limited time, and would prefer to focus on building my own THRIFT brand.

4) Reality shows can really teach you some good stuff.
People who complain about reality shows are watching it the wrong way.  Yes, there are many reality show which are just a waste of time, but there are also a few that gives you free lesson on entrepreneurship and positive thinking.

I never had the time to watch reality shows in the past..but now I do, when I am eating breakfast or lunch or dinner.

One reality show that constantly motivate me is "Kimora, life in the fab lane".  Yes, she may seem annoying...but do you ever see the great learning points, on how she constantly build her brand? how she uses twitter to reach out to her customer and get free publicity? how she use online media to get models for her new skin care line? how she capitalise on charity event to raise her company profile in the media? how she uses others to volunteer to help for her charity event "Dress for Success" and get all the fame? How she uses the public to get involved with flash mob and raise awareness of her new business? how she built entrepreneurship spirit in her 2 children at such a young age?
so think again when the next time you decide to shun the reality show on tv.

5) Lots of new learning opportunities in JCI
I thank God for bringing me into the world of JCI.
Friends and family often can't seem to understand why is it I'm so devoted to this organisation.
Yes, it takes up so much of my time, and money too, but I get so much in return.

The joining fee  was something that almost stop me from joining.  But maybe its fated, I just decide to join and give it a try.
Within 2 months of joining, I made enough money with another JCI member to get back my returns on investment and to cover about 8 years of membership fee.
5 months later, I earnt back the money I paid to go for JCI Academy 2010 from another project with a JCI member. This year, I earn enough from business with other JCI member to pay for my hotel and travel expenses for the annual convention..and I got to attend the annual convention for FREE! Thanks to my Immediate Past President.

And the various seminars / talks / workshops / conferences I got to go for free in year 2010 and 2011 through JCI opportunity..was worth RMthousands.

Money is not the only thing in my returns of investment.
The leadership opportunities I gained have taught me many new things, such as dealing with media, how to write press release, being event emcee, writing e-award submission, how to be a trainer etc are just some new things I am exposed to within this 1.5 yrs in the organisation.
The positive spirit that the members are constantly in, the excitement of working on new projects, the dinners and suppers we have before or after meeting, the daily emails that flood your inbox..makes life so much more exciting and feels like I am back in MUOSS in Melbourne again.

It's great to have somewhere where you go to and feel valued and appreciated. 
This type of support group is a definite must when you are a lone online entrepreneur, working from home on your bed.

So definitely is a great time to reflect and be grateful for what we have achieved in this year 2011 and our life in Malaysia.

Oh yes, there are many things to be improved in Malaysia such as:
1)  I can't wait for the day that we can open the tap and drink directly like in Melbourne without having to install thousands of dollars of water filter at home.
2) Malaysians would treat every person equally, regardless of their color, race, country of origin, education, work status, etc.
3) People would not slow down on highway just to busy body see accident/car breakdown, which cause the daily unnecessary jam.
4) That our ringgit has more value than it is now.
5) That we will no longer be given second class treatment or products.
and loads more

Going to Millionaire Mind Intensive again this year, have definitely re-ignited the positive spirits in me.
Life is full of exciting adventures and opportunities. 
It's time to start the new year in a few hours let's look forward to it and help make it a better year!
Happy 2012!

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