It's April 2013. 3 years after I escaped from corporate cage.
Interesting how things have changed in terms of mindset, network, friendship, focus, business, personal growth, etc. It used to be money money money..but now, after getting the freedom, money isn't really the main focus. I guess its scary when you achieve your ultimate goal, then there's chance that you will no longer be motivated to do anything else.
I notice since young, freedom has always been the thing I need most. Escaping from the rigid controlled life in Boarding School after just 1 month there, to escaping from home to enjoy studies overseas, to ever looking forward for outstation work to escape being stuck in KL office, to escaping the corporate cage so I can have freedom to work anytime and anywhere I want.
Business side has seen many changes. From doing online marketing for renovation contractor and managing 2 holiday rentals for my uni friend, then letting go of the 2 units and renovation business to just focus on my other holiday rentals and 1 luxury condo and starting my first workshop, and now at another cross road. Year 2012 saw the start of 2 brands - Thrift Workshop and Thrift Holidays.
Now, there's no more luxury condo to take care at the moment, so its time to focus more on Thrift Workshop. However, a new biz opportunity has stem up for me to build up another brand - Thrift Stays.
This is the best thing about owning own business instead of franchise or being agent of other company. I am free to change and experiment, so its something new all the time.
Staff has come and go. I will be getting an intern in May - Sept, and another 2 unpaid interns from France in May-June. Looking forward to mentoring and providing them a good learning experience for them to apply their learnings from uni to real life.
Group meetings have also changed from 3 mastermind groups during my working, reducing to only 1 in year 2010. Totally stop in year 2011, and now resurrected again the Netbrads team. We vow to use the materials available to learn and apply in our respective business, whilst pushing each other to commit to our goals. A good way to motivate each other to succeed.
Voluntary work has grown to be more than expected. Joining JCI has opened many doors, many new experience and many free stuff. Commonwealth opportunity has started opening its doors, its just I am too busy to maximise the potential this year. Next year perhaps.
It's funny how my ex-colleague used to tease me - I am so busy like Queen Elizabeth, and suddenly in March 2013, I got to meet the Queen.
Most would jump at this opportunity, it was funny to see my alliance member so over-excited at the prospect of taking photo with the Queen, and how ironic that when the Queen spoke with us, the official photographer had moved to another room. Thank God I didn't care bout it, or I would have been sorely disappointed like him.
People who I talk to about my life, often envy the exciting life I enjoy.
Which is true..everyday is a new adventure, especially juggling business and voluntary work.
The next focus - helping others to experience this same kind of exciting life. For them to build the courage and plans to escape from corporate cage. Look out for the "How To Plan Your Escape From Corporate Cage" workshop in May.
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