Thursday, August 19, 2010

Letter from P1 CEO on their 2 year anniversary

Today I receive email from P1 CEO..but haha..the email add used is
What kind of honest customer service is this?

Today, P1 is 2 years old!
We’ve grown from strength to strength in the last 2 years because of YOU.

a humble Malaysian start-up to the country’s largest and one of the world’s leading 4G WiMAX telco.
zero customers to over 200,000 happy customers.
zero to over 40% population coverage in Peninsular Malaysia
… because YOU believed in us.

P1’s journey in making broadband available for ALL has seen some challenging trenches and cliffs. Despite these challenges, YOU chose to stand by us, supporting us along the way.

For this, we can’t thank YOU enough.
Our promise to YOU is to continue to make it better and to serve YOU better than ever before. As P1 grows and flourish, we will continue to deliver the best experience YOU so rightfully deserve.

From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for being part of this historical milestone in discovering the world of 4G broadband.

for being our valued customers.

Revolutionizing 4G Broadband together with YOU,
Michael Lai
Chief Executive Officer

MY comment on "Despite these challenges, YOU chose to stand by us, supporting us along the way. "
=> not because we choose to stand by P1..but its the obligation, because we are tied with the contract of 12 months or 24months..otherwise we lose money / take months to receive back deposit..and no other telco offer the cheapest package at RM49.
If celcom or tm net offer at RM49, I would definitely choose them over P1

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