Thursday, December 9, 2010

Year 2010 is ending, what have I achieved?

How fast time flies. It's been a long while since I last posted on my personal blog.
Everyday had been filled with business meetings, traffic generation, online marketing, feeding my cats, eat, sleep, rest, watch TV, drive, etc..

Another few weeks til the end of year 2010.
And what a year it had been.
Looking at my old posts, especially one that I made beginning of 2010 on New Year, New You?
I have indeed achieved quite a lot, despite originally thinking I have not. Cos when I saw the goals and plan I made for yr 2010, I probably only achieve 10% of that. But I guess I forget that I have achieved other things which I did not plan for.

I did not win the HP mini laptop that I dreamt off, but I did win 2 iPODs, which I have sold one and made a cool RM150.
The other one I'm saving for a gift away.

I have finally QUIT MY JOB...YAY!
Since April 2010, my dream has come true. If you had read my blog in the past, you would have noticed many posts on how much I hated my job..and I'm no longer a corporate slave.
No more waking up at 6.30am daily and being stuck in traffic 2-3 hours each day, paying for expensive parking to go to a job I hate.

Now my schedule is flexible, most likely waking up at 8am or later, unless I have to feed my cats at 5am or 7am or have to pick up the cleaner at 7.30am or have a client for my holiday condo.

I read in my old post beginning of 2010 that I had 8 things/biz that I'm working on.
Well..this is something that I really need to reduce and focus instead.
As suggested by my friends...who says I'm just doing "too much".

In year Dec 2010, I have done the following:
1) Business - managing 45 blogs [yes, my blogs grew from 30 beginning of this yr] for passive income via adsense and affiliate
2) Business - online marketing of my timeshare resorts and condo - Cheap timeshare rentals
3) Business - online marketing cum condo manager for my friend's luxury condo - BG Condo KL for holiday rentals
4) Business - online marketing of renovation services
5) Business - weekly meeting with my group, NETBRADS ASSOCIATES, for our kids projects and online projects. - With my group Netbrads Associates, we have done 3 Edu-Play Day events, which was featured in TV3 Kids News. Our ebook is still selling, Self Esteem For Children Today

6) Business - Co-organised 2 Singles Networking Events with my biz partner under An Evening Together
7) Business - Conducted blog coaching class at Damansara Perdana
8) Voluntary work with Uni of Melbourne Alumni Association as Secretary General
9) Voluntary work with Junior Chamber International [JCI] PJ chapter for the JCICYEA 2010 project and incoming VP-Business 2011.

So am I doing too much..hmm..yes..I think so too.

Is what I'm doing contributing to my long term goal? Hmm..something I need to ponder upon and plan for next year.

So, what have I achieved in year 2010?
Quite a lot i reckon...

Am I looking forward to 2011..definitely!
As for now..its time to review and reset the goals for yr 2011..
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!

p/s: Hmm..i just notice the I want more money experiment I did a few years back. maybe I should repeat that again. more money is always good ;)

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